Posts Tagged ‘STAB STAB STAB’

Lead The Rebellion!

Posted: October 2, 2017 by zenstitcher in Chart, Subversive
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The onslaught of corruption and injustices has continued almost non-stop since the election, and it’s been one of the worst years for natural (and human-enhanced) disasters I can remember, with a federal government paralyzed by its own calcified, fossilized, deeply embedded ignorance and willful neglect of the American people. The news of last night’s mass shooting incident in Las Vegas was the first news that greeted many of us when we got out of bed this morning — and made it damned difficult not to flip off the world and crawl right back under the covers.

I was supposed to release this version of “Leading the Rebellion” today. The mosaic tile effect is to discourage piracy, the chart doesn’t really look like this.

And, I am releasing it today, because the message in the text is important. However, because the symbol is equally important, I revised the chart for those who are feeling just a little sassier:

Forgive the mosaic tile effect. It’s one way to discourage piracy.

Both of these charts are being released today, with this challenge included in each one:

PS: My personal challenge to you is to take this chart someplace to stitch in public as an act of personal protest, and as a way to start conversations about why you’re rebelling. It can be difficult to feel safe in our public spaces these days, especially if you live in a place that favors repressive, authoritarian views, so if you do manage it, take stitchy friends, if you can. Let someone you trust know where you’ll be, and for how long. Trust your gut about whom to speak with, and about what, but speak your truth, if you can, for as long as you can, as safely as you can.

If we’re going to change the world, it has to begin right at the edges of our skin, right where we are.

Send me pics of you doing this, and with your permission, I’ll happily post them in group.

Stay safe. stay strong. Good luck.

Sale price is $2 each. In order to purchase (for now, I’m working on getting something more convenient for everyone in place), I need a PayPal email address from you, instructing me how to invoice you: Leading The Rebellion PDF, FO+Lead The Rebellion PDF, or both.

You can get that to me via private message on Facebook ( via Direct Messages in Twitter ( (give me a shout and we’ll follow each other, etc.), or by emailing me at aematson ([at]) metaphorpublications [(dot)] com.

And, do let me know if you’re taking my challenge, and if you’d like to organize a virtual Stitch Out event, wherein the stitcherhood takes it to the streets, coffee shops, libraries, and parks to start the rebellion right where we are.





Posted: July 1, 2014 by zenstitcher in Subversive
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I’m still not through fussing about the SCOTUS/Hobby Lobby decision yesterday. Are you?

If not…

Fuck you, Justice Alito. An employer's religious superstitions should NOT trump my rights!

For writing a 5-4 majority SCOTUS opinion on the Hobby Lobby case that was nothing short of criminal.

(Click on the image to see a bigger, downloadable version. I hope.)

If you too would like to exercise your right to STAB STAB STAB (with little needles, not nice sharp knives. Or swords. Alas) your rage into the asshat who wrote the majority opinion for the Hobby Lobby decision, be my guest. Share and reshare freely – just be nice and give credit where it’s due.

And if you stitch this, send me a pic here with the details (fabric, count, floss, etc). As long as you’re cool with it, I’m happy to post it.

More to come.